Please note: the retail store has closed, we are leaving these posts up for historical purposes.
Rainforest Station will be offering a terrarium kit at the Michigan Reptile Show Saturday,August 8, in Taylor, Michigan, and the West Michigan Reptile Expo Sunday, August 9, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Our 18″ x 18″ x 24″ Exo Terra Terrarium starter kit includes everything you need to get started including a brom pup and two other tropical plants. The Sale Price is $174.99
But the big news is, for a limited time, with each kit purchase, you will receive one free Dendrobates leucomelas “Bumble Bee” or Dendrobates tinctorius “Infer-Alanis” Poison Dart Frog ($54.99 Value).
We will only be bringing three of these kits to the show, so preorder on our website to make sure you don’t miss out on this deal. Only five Infer-Alanis and 15 leucs are available, and when they are gone, so is this deal!
Rainforest Station always offers a wide variety of exotic pets, featuring the largest selection of poison dart frogs, tree frogs and terrestrial frogs you’ll find in a retail store in the Midwest. You’ll also find leopard geckos, crested geckos, gargoyle geckos, and other gecko species; bearded dragons and other lizards (currently featuring baby savannah monitors, adult blue-tongued skinks, Asian water dragons, lacertas, ameivas ), turtles and tortoises, corn snakes and ball pythons, an assortment of tarantulas, and even some amphibians with tails: tiger salamanders, spotted salamanders, Spanish (Iberia) ribbed newts, California newts, and Axolotl larvae.
If you’re into tarantulas, we have everything from beginner species, such as the Chilean Red Rose-Hair to advanced species such as the Sri Lanka Ornamental Tarantula.
If you are looking for any other species, please drop us a line and we’ll do our best to track it down. And, of course, we have more roaches, crickets, wax worms, fruit flies, and bean beetles than you can shake a stick at.
We also carry a full line of products from manufacturers such as, Exo Terra, Zoo Med, Zilla, Flukers, Tetra, as well as an indoor greenhouse with a wide variety of tropical plants to furnish your naturalistic terrariums and vivariums.
You can shop on-line or stop by and see us. We’re just a mile east of the I-96 interchange, at 6248 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546. Or, we offer free delivery of items purchased on-line to any of the shows at which we are a vendor.