Please note: the retail store has closed, we are leaving these posts up for historical purposes.
It’s that time of year!
The Holiday Season is upon us. Rainforest Station will be closed Thursday, November 25 for Thanksgiving, and Friday, November 26, because we know you’ll all be standing in line to get a flat screen TV! Plus, that gives us time to get ready for the first weekend of our Big Holiday Sale.
We’ll be open Saturday, November 27, our regular hours 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., and will begin opening on Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. for the rest of the holiday season.
This holiday season, we’re offering a FREE baby corn snake, leopard gecko or bearded dragon when you order a Zilla Deluxe Kit. These complete kits make it easy for beginner hobbyists to set up an appropriate habitat for their pet.
The Zilla Deluxe Snake Kit, normally $222.99, is just $199.99

It takes only a few minutes to set up a snake habitat with a Deluxe Snake Kit, which includes all the necessities plus fun extras. The kit centers around a spacious 20-Long glass terrarium with a screen top that latches securely while facilitating air exchange. Two reflective dome light fixtures and bulbs supply proper amounts of both light and heat. The included bedding is Douglas Fir, which promotes burrowing behavior. An 8 oz. bottle of humidifying spray is included, along with a temperature/humidity gauge and two bonuses: a Lizard Lagoon™ watering dish and Rock Den snake shelter to add a note of decorative habitat authenticity. This kit also comes with a comprehensive booklet that details terrarium setup and care.
The Zilla Deluxe Bearded Dragon Kit, normally $234.99, is just $219.99

Keeping a docile, inquisitive Bearded Dragon is an ideal way to begin a reptile hobby, and the Deluxe Kit gets a new pet started on a long, fascinating life. It’s all here: a 20-Long glass terrarium for plenty of running room, equipped with three reflective dome light fixtures and bulbs that provide healthy amounts of both heat and light. Zilla Bearded Dragon Food offers the recommended balanced daily nutrition. Zilla Alfalfa Meal Bedding includes a pet-safe bacteriostatic agent to fight bacteria and germs. There’s also a temperature/humidity gauge to monitor your pet’s environment, a Lizard Lagoon™ water dish, plus a comprehensive booklet that details terrarium setup and Bearded Dragon care.
The Zilla Deluxe Desert Gecko Kit, normally $212.99, is just $199.99

A new Desert Gecko and a Deluxe Kit make an ideal combination for the new reptile fancier. Everyone, from kids to herp experts, loves the convenience of this kit, centering on a roomy 20-Long glass terrarium and two reflective dome light fixtures to provide both light and heat. There’s an odor-fighting Terrarium Liner carpet and an 8oz. bottle of humidifying spray. Essentials like a temperature/humidity gauge are complemented by a double bonus: a Herp Hotel™ den that gives pets both basking room and a cool, dark place to hide and breed and two low profile dishes for food and water.
Rainforest Station has beautifully colored corn snakes, leopard gecko babies, and bearded dragon babies that are ready for new homes. We have a large variety of poison dart frogs, with Dendrobates auratus, tinctorius azureus, tinctorius infer-Alanis, and leucomelas; many more species and morphs are available by special order. We also have veiled chameleons, Madagascar giant day geckos, forest armadillo lizards, desert iguanas, and many other new arrivals . Keep an eye out for new additions coming soon.
We’ve added to our collection of orchids and tropical plants, too. We carry a large variety of species orchids from Oak Hill Nursery, and hybrids from a number of growers.
And, we now have a wide variety of small furry critters including Richardson’s ground squirrels, short-tailed oppossums, degus, fancy rats, hamster, gerbils, and more.
Rainforest Station always offers a wide variety of exotic pets, featuring the largest selection of poison dart frogs, tree frogs and terrestrial frogs you’ll find in a retail store in the Midwest. You’ll also find leopard geckos, crested geckos, gargoyle geckos, and other gecko species; bearded dragons and other lizards, turtles and tortoises, corn snakes and ball pythons, an assortment of tarantulas, and even some amphibians with tails: Spanish (Iberia) ribbed newts, California newts, Chinese emperor newts, Danube crested newts, and greater sirens.
If you’re into tarantulas, we have everything from beginner species, such as the Chilean Red Rose-Hair to advanced species such as the Sri Lanka Ornamental Tarantula, and many species inbetween.
If you are looking for any other species, please drop us a line and we’ll do our best to track it down. And, of course, we have more roaches, crickets, meal worms, and fruit flies than you can shake a stick at.
We also carry a full line of products from manufacturers such as, Exo Terra, Zoo Med, Zilla, Flukers, Tetra, as well as an indoor greenhouse with a wide variety of tropical plants to furnish your naturalistic terrariums and vivariums.
You can shop on-line or stop by and see us. We’re just a mile east of the I-96 interchange, at 6248 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546. Or, we offer free delivery of items purchased on-line to any of the shows at which we are a vendor.